# Mathematics

# Basic operators

The basic operators of addition +, subtraction -, division /, and multiplication * are all supported.


The carat symbol ^ is not supported for exponentiation, instead the function Pow(value, power) should be used instead.

# Constants

# Pi

Use Pi()

# Euler's number

Use E()

# Unary functions

# Square root

Use Sqrt(x)

# Base 10 logarithm

Use Log10(x)

# Natural logarithm

Use Ln(x)

# Absolute

Use Abs(x)

# Round

Use Round(x)

Rounds to the nearest integer i.e. 5.2 => 5, 5.8 => 6

# Floor

Use Floor(x)

Rounds down to the nearest integer i.e. 5.2 => 5, 5.8 => 5

# Ceiling

Use Ceil(x)

Rounds up to the nearest integer i.e. 5.2 => 6, 5.8 => 6

# Trigonometry

# Standard

Use Sin(x), Cos(x), and Tan(x)

# Inverse

Use Asin(x), Acos(x), and Atan(x)

# Hyperbolic

Use Sinh(x), Cosh(x), and Tanh(x)

# Binary functions

# Exponentiation

Use Pow(value, power)

e.g. ten squared would be expressed as Pow(10, 2)

# Arbitrary root

Use Root(value, power)

e.g. cube root of ten would be expressed as Root(10, 3)

# Arbitrary base logarithm

Use Log(value, base)

# Ternary functions

# Clamp

Use Clamp(value, lowerBound, upperBound)

Ensures a value is not below a given lower bound, or above a given upper bound.

# List input functions

# Maximum

Use Max(a,b) or Max(a,b,c) or Max(a, b, c, d, ..., x)

# Minimum

Use Min(a,b) or Min(a,b,c) or Min(a, b, c, d, ..., x)

# Summation

Use Sum(a,b) or Sum(a,b,c) or Sum(a, b, c, d, ..., x)